Thursday 29 August 2013

Study Tips

University not only about parties,there is that other thing called studying. Medical School is intense,there is a lot of work required,therefore its important to stay on top of it all.

There is no magic set of instructions to ensure perfect grades.Each person is unique and some things may not work for everyone.

Here is a list of my top 10 study tips.

10. Set mini deadlines or use a to do list.
Break each task into small achievable chunks.Its easier to accomplish lots of small tasks compared to a single big one. With small goals you can also ensure you are on track to achieve the bigger goals
A list reduce the chances of you forgetting to do something.Crossing things of to-do lists is soooo satisfying.

9. Draw mind maps and diagrams
Mind maps are the marmite of studying,you either love them or hate them
I personally only use them during revision time.Mind Maps help me see how various concepts and ideas relate to each other.I found that my course was delivered in such a way that the information given seemed really out of context,so there was no way I could have used mind maps in the beginning. Diagrams are great at all times, they are certainly a nice change from reading text. Print out diagram stick them on doors mirrors,draw your own,or try labeling a blank diagram.

8.Aim to Study a little bit everyday
Every little bit helps.I know from experience that there will be some days when you can not be bothered to study or 101 things are happening at once and you just don't have time to study. Do something,even if its just going over that mornings notes, or making a vocab list.

7.Coloured pens or highlighters
Studies have shown that use of colour can improve memories.I personally love my colored pens and highlighters. Write your notes in colour or highlight key ideas.

6.Be prepared when attending lectures
Doing this will dramaticaly reduce your work load.Before going to a lecture ensure you are ready to learn, try not to be hungry or thirsty.In the lecture listen to whats going on,and do not be distracted by friends. If you are going to drag yourself out of bed for that 8am lecture,you may as well get the most out of it.
Repeat after me: Lectures are for learning, revision is for recapping stuff you have already learnt.

5.Post-it notes
Use post-it notes to summarise things.They are tiny so you can not get too wordy. If have lots of ideas stick to one key idea per post-it note.
Post-it notes are great for revision games
Example:   1.Copy facts onto one color
                 2.Stick these onto a wall.
                 3. Using a different colour try and re-create as many post-it notes as possible,and keep                                    trying to beat your personal best

4.Frequent breaks

As you study your attention span decreases meaning you will become less productive.This means it will take much longer to do every thing.Take breaks after 40 min of studying, go for a walk,stretch, have a snack or tidy your room.
Warning: Don't spend more time having a break than you do studying

3.Periodically review what you have learnt
This is especially important if you are studying a degree like medicine.The sheer volume of information means it will be difficult to rely on cramming for exams alone.
I choose to go over my notes quickly at the end of each week before filing them.Its fairly simple, the more often you review stuff the more you remember.

2.If stuck go find an expert
There is no shame is asking your lecturers for clarification.Send them and email or ask them after class.If you are shy ask your friends if they can explain it for you.
When it comes to essay writing read a book about how to correctly write an essay

1.Stay motivated.
Above all other things keep your eye on your goal.Think of all the great rewards studying will bring.
When desperate:


  1. I love the layout of your blog! Med school must be tough, this was actually really useful as I am going to be applying to University soon, so I guess it's useful to be prepared now haha!
    I am actually going to be applying for English and i started a blog in relation to it, if its your cup of tea check it out and comment?

    1. Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.I really appreciate it

      How is your uni application going?

  2. Wow! You're a med student! My best friend is heading to Sheffield to study medicine too.

    I really agree with your 10 tips to study. It will be really helpful.... if I stuck to them. I haven't tried the mind maps and diagrams though. Never really liked them. I always liked my notes nice and structured in a list.

    Student life is tough, balancing life, sleep and studies. I wish you all the best in med school! From the bottom of my left ventricle <3.

    If you have the time, check out my blog too at! Do comment if you ever drop by!

    p/s in relation to your first post, I'm kind of a DIY geek myself, I would love to see any tips you can share on jewelery making! I haven't had the time to experiment on anything coz I'm so caught up with the workload in uni. It makes me sad..

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog.I have looked at yours and it's really informative.

      I hope you get some time to try out some D.I.Y crafts soon
