Wednesday 23 October 2013



I am so sorry I haven't updated this blog for a while.

Freshers week is longer over,and its now back to being busy and studying, YAY!!!(not)

Why do I feel guilty?

  • My body is not being my best friend,I have been really tired,and I spent some time in hospital.
  • As a result of the above,I have not bloged,and I have so much uni work to catch up on
I feel better now,so hopefully(crosses finger and toes) there will be a lot more blog posts.

Why was I in hospital?About two weeks ago,I collapsed in the street,luckily I don't remember it or else I would have been mortified.

I remember waking up in hospital and being in agony.My arms where really cramped ,i couldnt move and I was shivering.Not being in control of your body is quite possibly one of the worst feelings I have ever experienced.

After some tests ,they found out I has high blood sugar levels and a potassium deficiency.
Potassium is important because its really important for muscle signaling,and your heart is a muscle.

I have steroid induced diabetes,which I am now treating using insulin.

Please check back for more updates soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that must have been scary! New reader here, but I hope you are able to catch up with your studies quick!
