Thursday 24 July 2014

My bags(for placement)

I don't want this to turn into a fashion blog, but for those starting medical school, you might want to know what I carry around the ward.I am not paid to advertise anything,

The bag.

I have 3 bags, that I rotate around. All of them a medium sized with long straps and they go around my shoulder. Every medical student needs a bag to carry all the random things you will find yourself carrying.

Bag 1-The serious bag
First impressions are really important, so on the first day, I use a plain bag, that does not show much of my personality.This is the smallest of my bags, because its impossible to know if you will have a place to store your bag.Always be prepared to carry your stuff around until you know more.
I got this bag from claires, I know I should be shopping in more grown up places, but I am truly random.

Bag 2-The shoe lace bag
This is my everyday bag, that occasionally gets used for placement, when I have alot of things to carry.Or if I have lab work after placement and I need to carry a change of clothes or shoes.I love this bag its so quirky yet versatile.

I got this bag from my corner shop, my corner shop is totally awesome, it has lots of treasures if you look hard enough.

Bag 3-Awesome blue bag

I love blue, so its no surprise that I try to wear blue as much as possible.When I am wearing blue, i tend to use my blue handbag because I can.

Coming up next:
-What do I carry on placement
-Piercings on the ward

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