Saturday 27 September 2014

Actions have consequences

In general I am usually responsible lupie, but yesterday was not one of those days.

I had a exam,classes, then I had to head to London. I left home(university dorm) at 8.40am, was out ALL day , and got home to my mum's home at 10pm.

This morning I got to go to the Royal College of Surgeons, it was really nice.If you ever come down to London and feel geeky, you can check out the Hunterian Museum.

I was supposed to meet a friend, but he cancelled, and I was mentally rejoicing I can imagine the neurones in my limbic system dancing like the plant.

I love my friends,but by noon, I felt like I had done 7 rounds in a boxing ring. I could have cancelled, but I always feel guilty about cancelling for health reasons. I am young, I am supposed to be healthy, and I would rather not let people down.

But now I am so exhausted, and all my joints ache, and I dont think I will be walking anywhere. So I am watching TV, making the most of it,since I do not have TV at university.

I knew this would, happen and I did it anyway. The way I see it is I enjoyed being busy and doing lots of stuff, and it was worth the resulting aches and pains. I can't complain about being achey, because it is self inflicted.

The small print: Dont worry I know neurones don't dance.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Back to Learning

So....I did actually get some food.Eating rael food makes such a good difference to my mood and energy levels.

I feel like a real student now.Well that sentence is ridiculous, but I am now settled in, studying, going to lectures and doing all the other student stuff.

Its also freshers week, so I have been able to collect alot of freebies.Mainly pens and chocolate, I have to say that standards of freebies have dropped since I was a fresher. I did get some free syringe pens though

In other news I have been feeling really tired, (going to bed as soon as I get home from lectures). I hope that I am just tired and not getting ill, or about to have a lupus flare up. I can not fit illness into my schedule!

Next week is medic freshers week(freshers week for medics). As I am on the committee for several societies I need to harass the freshers to make them sign up.

I think joining the societies I am a member of is worthwhile(I mean why else would I be on the committee???) Dear Freshers....sign up to what you are intrested in, most people sign up to things they never end up doing.But watch you budget and dont pay silly amounts to join societies you wont benefit from.

Friday 19 September 2014

I am back at University and I need food

I finally have stuff to tell you about.

Its the first week of the year,classes started on Monday,and its been BUSY!!

First lecture of the term was genetics. Genetics is not that bad, but it was a horrific start to the year. I was expecting a quick welcome back, it being the first day and all, or even a lecture outlining the course structure...but noooo, it was straight into genetics and science-y stuff.

Its great to be back, but its been just like any other week of medical school, which brings some problems.I do not want to whinge, but the first one is food.

I arrived on Saturday, spent most of it with my mum, who left on Sunday. I did not have time to go food shopping.I thought the first week would be easy with lectures scattered around or at least 1 half day, but this didnt happen.

All the big supermarkets are in town, and atleast a 20min walk from where I live. So that is about 40min travel time, and maybe 20min if I race around the shop gathering stuff.

If I am in class from 9am-5pm, at the end of the day I will be tired and want to get home. On top of that we have reading and the idea of 60min of my life being spent on shopping did not appeal to me.As a result I have been living of stuff from the corner shop(convenience store for those from across the pond)

Corner shops do not sell groceries!!! They have lots of random things, but nothing you can throw together to make a meal. Most students get poor and live on beans and toast, I am time poor, so here are some of the things I ended up eating.

Breakfast= yogurt on most days (they dont have cereal I like)
Lunch=chips &paninis  from campus( Med students are back a bit earlier, so not even the uni can be bothered to make real food)


Monday=tortilla and cheese
Tuesday=I forgot what I ate
Wednesday= garden peas, veggie sausages(my corner shop sells quorn sausages and frozen peas, but noo ready meals????)
Today=Instant noodles

Tomorrow I am free, and off to buy some food. I need to get really basic stuff such as, rice, flour, eggs, oil, canned tomatoes,etc. Then I need to buy stuff that can be turned into meals.

Its going to take long, and be heavy to carry home, but then I can cook and eat.