Friday 13 September 2013

I choose to defy expectations

This week (9 September-15 September) is National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. in honour of this I have chosen to write about being a medical student with lupus.

I don't usually tell people in real life that I have lupus,mainly because I don't want sympathy and other times its because i am avoiding insensitive comments.Insensitive comments are part of life, but I find the ones where people tell me what they expect me to do to be the most frustrating.

Here are a few things that have actually been said to me,and my replies.

How can you be a doctor? Shouldn't you have let someone more able take your place at medical school after all you can't offer that much?
 My medical school is aware that I have SLE, they believe in me and they are very supportive. Most of the time I am healthy and fit,but occasionally I do take time off. I realise that I may contribute less working days over my life, but I have lots to offer.Maybe having lupus means I will be able to show much more empathy to my patients

Oh, you have lupus? I know someone that died at 30(insert other really young age here) are ready to die?
Yes, i do have lupus.I am 20,I do not intend to die at any point in the near future,besides treatments have improved, and some people are more severely affected than others.
I am not delusional,and I do not think I am immortal,but I am not at deaths door.Please realise that I am probably more aware of my prognosis than you are.

You have lupus, its ok if you hand your work in late people will understand.
Maybe they will understand, but having lupus is not an excuse to be lazy.I will try my best in everything I do. So far ,i have never handed in a piece of uni work in late,and I don't intend to unless it is absolutely necessary. I can compete with non lupies, and I will.

Being ill must be really tough, you must hate talking about it,it must be so hard for you!
I neither like nor dislike talking about my illness.I don't mind answering questions, I would rather answer questions than have people tip-toe-ing around me unnecessarily.I want to raise awareness of invisible illnesses ,if talking about myself helps, then I don't mind doing it.

Please don't put me in a box. Everyone with an invisible illness is different, get to know them individually,before you decide what is expected from them

Sometimes I will exceed expectations, and thats great.

Other times I will fail to meet them,and whilst I am sorry.I have come to realise that I can only try my best,but i am not a super hero,I have limitations and I can not be perfect.


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