Saturday 7 September 2013

That question...

What are you studying?

Some of you may love to be asked this question,you may see it as a chance to show off ,or you may be proud of your achievement.(if your a male fresher you may even use it to pick up girls)

I personally despise this question. Its on the same level as other awkward questions such as are you pregnant or fat and when are you getting married.

Reasons I dont like this question

5.Its un-pc to say, "oh you soooo stupid"
I am not an arrogant person, but inevitably you get aunts,uncles, people at church, and even people in Tesco asking what do you study,and it goes something like this
Great Aunt Glenda: so what are you studyingMe: MedicineGreat Aunt Glenda: Ohhh you must be soooo smart.
Yes,med students are smart, but there is no need to act shocked. And how do you respond to that? If you say yes,it could be rude.Choosing to reply with 'not really' prolongs the conversation.And you most definitely can not say "oh you're so stupid" in the exact tone they used

4. Expectations
For some reason I am still surprised I actually got into medical school.I am surrounded by at least 100 other smart or hardworking people.Since starting med school,i have actually had to work and put effort into staying at the top of the class. I don't want people expecting anything from me incase I fall short of their expectations

3. I am a medical student not a doctor
Inevitably someone is going to have a medical problem,and they will ask what I suggest as a treatment.I am a student not a qualified doctor,its highly likely I can't even diagnose your problem.When I become a doctor I suppose this will become a more frequent occurrence.*sigh*

2.The questions
People just love to ask questions.Now before you think I am a grumpy grouch old woman, normally I welcome questions and love answering them. Some questions I get however are blegh. Eg:
  • So do you want to be a nurse?
     Doctors study medicine,nurses study nursing
  • Can you should speak to my son/daughter I want them to be a doctor?
    If your son/daughter wants to know what med school is like they can talk to me.Harassing teens and forcing them to consider medicine is not cool.Studying medicine is hard at times,if you do not have a desire to be a doctor you will suffer
  • So do you want to be a doctor?

I hope this does not come across as rude or arrogant,but if it was relevant to your life you wouldnt need to ask. I am shy,I hate drawing attention to myself .Saying you are studying medicine puts you in the metaphorical spotlight.

In some cultures parents dream of their kids growing up and becomeing doctors or lawyers. So when you actually get into medical school you become " the girl that studies medicine"

One of my best friends a fellow medical student also sews,she was wearing a dress she made.When someone found out she had made it their reaction was  " *gasp* But don't you study medicine?"

Studying medicine and having a life are not mutually exclusive things. Medical school is a huge part of my life,but its not all of my life.I had a life before medical school, I still have hobbies, interests and a name!!

So from this point forward if any one asks....I study something science-y


  1. I'm a biochemistry student and I hate that question too, its usually followed by ohhh chemistry eh. great blog btw :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

      We should start a campaign to educate the masses
