Tuesday 13 May 2014

Still around, drowning in revision

I am still studying.

Before I was casually studying,dipping into revision here and there, and doing a bit each night.

Now my life only consists of lectures sleep and revision.It is not as bad as it sounds,since turning it into a habit it has become oddly satisfying.

The amount of stuff I have to know is scary. I really wish I was studying a course with modules, instead I have a long 4 hour exam ,on everything I have learnt since being at medschool.

This is what my typical revision day looks like.

6am- wake up
6am-7am-Get ready for the day(pray,read bible,breakfast,shower,dress)
8.40am-9.00am-walk to uni
9.00am-5.00pm-Lectures/placement( I try to do my homework during the breaks between lectures)
4.00pm-5.00pm-Walk home from uni/I go to the gym for if I finish lectures before 5pm
5.00pm-7.00pm-Sleep,I have been getting home from class exhausted(In capable of using a microwave exhausted)
7.00pm-8.00pm-Lunch(I know its technically dinner time,but this is when I get around to having lunch
12.00pm-1.00am- Snack, then get distracted by youtube/tidy up my room
1.00am-2.00am-Silly hour* exhaustion takes over, so I try to stay awake by talking through my notes with different accents.
2.00am-crawl into bed, only to dream about transport channels, or renal disease risk factors.

That is a typical exam period day for my medic friends.I am exhausted, tired and likely to burst into tears for no reason at all.


I would rather be stressed whilst studying medicine, than doing anything else.

My next post will be about why I wanted to study medicine,I think I need to remind myself why I am torturing myself.


  1. Wow! That sounds intense.

    I also have lupus and I wanted to study medicine but everyone tells me not to.I hope you don't mind me asking the following questions.

    1.Does your work load make your condition worse?
    2.How do you feel about having a reduced life expectancy?Do you think you are wasting your life studying for 5-6years?
    3.Does lupus impair your concentration / do you have to study for longer than others?

  2. Woah that sounds intense! I admire anyone who can study medicine! Good luck with your exams!
