Saturday 24 May 2014

The morning after

Click here if you want to read part 1.

I was really out of it on Wednesday,so I will start at the bit I remember. The doctor who discharged me,taught me last year.He said I could go home ,but he recommended I get home quickly so I can have a shower and a snack before placement.

Walk of shame moment
Traditional the walk of shame is coming home in the same clothes you wore the night before,which I managed to do.This was at 6 am so the shuttle was not running,and I didn't have money so I had to walk home in the rain.It only took 40min but I got soaked and I got a blister.I let myself into my flat and thankfully all my flatmates where sleeping.I like my flatmates but I was not ready to face them until I figured out what they knew.

The shower
I had a shower and discovered some evidence.

  • 2 ECG dots-this suggests I had a ECG for some reason or other,
  • 1 cotton wool and sticky tape thing points to the idea that I had a blood test.
  • 1 pink cannula in my wrist.This was rather disturbing,had I escaped hospital or did I get discharged with a cannula in plain sight??

I pulled the cannula out gently and nothing to bad happened,(no blood came gushing out) it was just weirdly slippery and uncomfortable.

Warm water is so comforting,I immediately felt more like myself after the my shower.

Back to hospital
I considered calling in sick,but realised

A-I don't particularly want to get a sick note from my GP

B-being absent will give people more time to gossip about what they think happened.

C- according to my schedule I would be in a MDT team meeting,so no patient contact at all.

I couldn't find my ID badge so I couldn't get the shuttle.So I had this bizarre idea that I could jog into placement.

Retrieving my ID badge
I had to go back to A&E to see if they had my ID badge since its always in my pockets somewhere.Thankfully it was 8 am by now and the shift had changed.I decided the best thing to do is to play it I went to the desk and said,hi I am a medical student and I was wondering if I left my badge here.The nurse looked around found it and thankfully gave it to me without asking any questions.She complained about the night staff being so lazy and disorganised because they put it in the patients lost and found stuff. I felt so guilty.

MDT meeting
These are so boring but I was grateful to be away from patients.As a medical student I did not have to say anything so I could let my mind drift.Well until my name was briefly mentioned.(mini heart attack moment)I had no idea I was under the care of the haematology team.It was  brief 'x presented in A&E we are awaiting more details'.

I am attached to the stomach cancer people,but they have MDTs on days we are not at placement,so my colleagues and I got sent to watch the haematologists do their stuff.

I think it passed over the other med students heads,thankfully I never use my first name at uni,so they might have failed to make the connection.

One of the doctors did notice,and asked me to wait behind.They said they where pleased to see me looking so well,and getting on with my life since I was last admitted.But they also insisted I go home and rest if I was up all night.

Home again.
2pm. I got the shuttle back this time and just slept till about 10. I woke up apologised to half my contact list for sending texts I don't remember. I also deleted all my messages,so I have no idea what I said to anyone.I also looked through the photos and did a quick blog post.
The picture above was sent to me by my friend.I also managed to send my phone back to factory settings,deleting texts


  1. I have heard of stress related mental break downs,Do you think this was brought on by too much stress?

    I hope nothing like this ever happens again.Next time please take the day off.Its important to remember that the world will still move on with out you.

  2. I'm concerned that it sounds like you have little support for dealing with all that's going on. I hope you can talk to a tutor or a nice person at Uni about all this?

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for visiting my blog :)
      I don't know who to contact,or what I should say, but I will try to do something this week.
