Thursday 10 April 2014


I rarely faint, but since I was unwell I had my first few medical school related faints.Before this year I have never fainted in medical school!

I am one of the least squeamish people around, The more blood there is more interested I become. Being squeamish is not a reason not to study medicine. It might make anatomy and surgery more challenging but it is nothing that can't be overcome.

The first time I fainted was in anatomy.I would not recommend fainting in front of 90+ class mates. When I recovered, I was initially disorientated, but mainly embarrassed. No one mentioned anything after the fact. so my year group is:
a) very professional
b)embarrassed on behalf of me

The second time I fainted was when I stood up to leave the lecture theatre, I managed to get as far as down the stairs, and as soon as I reached the front, i fainted in full view of everyone. My lecturer was so nice, she bought me hot chocolate and sat with me for half an hour. It took me half an hour to convince her I was well enough to be left alone.

When I fainted after the lecture, none of my friends came to check on me.I know I go on about trying to appear strong, but its polite to check on your friend if they faint. I cried(I was ill and feeling overs sensitive) because this was the final straw.

So, now I have said all that , i suppose I should tell you how to avoid fainting.

1. Add sugar.
Its so important to keep your blood glucose levels up. All ways have breakfast, or you will only have yourself to blame if you faint whilst a nurse is inserting a cannula. Eat a small snack before going to gross anatomy. If the thought of anatomy makes your appetite vanish, at least force your self to eat a few jelly beans.

2.Stay well hydrated
Dehydration lowers blood volume slightly. Reduced blood volume leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Low blood pressure makes you more likely to faint. So please stay well hydrated.

3.Don't let blood pool in your legs
Standing still can make you faint, (ever seen soldiers fainting on parade).If you have to stand still for a long time ,tense calves, thighs and buttocks (in that order). This will get  blood flowing around and it can help a bit

If none of that has worked..

4.Leave,escape the situation
If something is upsetting you, turn around or close you eyes,sometimes ecaping the situation is all you need to do.
If possible leave the area, get some fresh air, or try to sit down.No one has time to babysit the medical student so if your in theatre or in dissection, move away from the tables ans sharp edges.

Try not to faint, but if you do its not the end of the world

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