Sunday 6 April 2014

January Term

I don't usually like snails, but I find the shells very interesting.

What I find interesting about it is the intricate spiral pattern.
I don't like  hate going round in circles. lately is seems like I've already faced a particular trial and now I'm back here again. I suppose some people have looked at the snail and immediately thought of its less than pleasant slime, i saw something different today.

With every rotation the shell shines and glimmers a little different each time.
With every rotation the shell shines and glimmers a little different each time.  Perhaps the same can be said for the events of this life - even though I have been here before there will be something new, something beautiful, to see amongst the disgusting slime.

My lupus for most of the part is silent, but when I do have a flare its near impossible to ignore. My lovely doctors  treated me with some rather strong drugs and as a result I suffered from severe Thrombocytopenia*. I did not pay attention to the details because I was too tired and achey.  but from a patients point of view it went something like

Doctor:Your body is attacking you and your organs could fail, you need to take these drugs
Doctor: Things are improving go home and take it easy
Doctor: You have no platelets, and your white blood cells are low, it could be a medicine side effect or you have cancer
Doctor: I hereby sentence you to 18 months of monitoring and lumbar punctures.

As scary as it was being in hospital gave me time to reflect. I guess what I realised was that each trial or difficulty I have faced has built up my faith so that I can look back and know that if God has got me through A B and C, which have increased in intensity, in the past then He will get me through X Y and Z in the future.  But, it does make me wonder if this could be building up to a bigger test of faith!  (eeek!)

I was in hospital for  13 days and spent the rest of the time at home feeling miserable and exhausted. Studying medicine does have its advantages though, I was able to escape the ward and attend lectures because it was close enough.

Now, before you think I am an ultra committed medschool gunner/geek, STOP!! Hospital wards are boring, and staying there for any length of time would drive even the calmest person up the wall. Pride also played a part, I do everything in my power to avoid people noticing I am ill. Showing vulnerability  but skipping too many classes in my medical school is not the best idea. 

*Thrombocytopenia=low platelet count. Having to few platelets affects your blood's ability to clot

This past term has been very difficult, hence why I have not bloged at all. I am sorry I am on vacation now, so I will use this time to catch up with my blog posts.

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