Wednesday 23 April 2014

The Fear

Its exam time and I am terrified.

My medical school has one end of year exam that determines weather or not we will graduate with honours. I have been studying my little socks off. Despite trying my best  still  feel woefully unprepared.

I think I have some perfectionistic tendencies,so just passing is not enough.I want a high grade. The problem is in medicine,every one is smart, so the high grades go to the ultra hard workers,or the super smart mutants.

I am neither of these, then there is the small minor detail that I missed a fair chunck of last term.

Thankfully there is a sensible part to my brain that says

This is what I find useful
1. Get out of your house/dorm.
Go to a library. The distraction of home comforts won’t be there and it will get you into a working mindset.  Also it’s nice to go home to relax, and have a change of scene,before doing more work.I get really bored and unmotivated if I stay in one place for too long

2. Study with a buddy
A problem shared is a problem halved.One of the best ways to understand things is to discuss them with a friend.I personally only like to study with 2-3 people,but you may like larger groups. Nominate someone to direct the conversation so as not to go off topic,  you will find it is a great way of sharing information and filling gaps in your knowledge.

3. Think of the future/the past.
Imagine yourself in your dream job. The next phase of your life is going to be so much fun, you just need to get these exams done and dusted.If the future seems so far away,just think of how far you have come,if you got this far,surely you can go a bit further.

4.Study Hard
Use your study leave for the biggest ‘cramathon’ of your life. Don’t give up so close to the end. Keep re-reading notes and practising exam questions. Some of it will stick in your brain eventually. You’ll also feel more confident going into the exams than if you hadn't looked at anything the two weeks before.

Thanks for reading to the end of this post,here is a video to drive the point home

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